INTRODUCTION TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH The freedom of speech , also known as the freedom of expression refers to the freedom one has to express his ideas and opinions without any hindrances .The freedom of speech could be defined as the raising of voice in public without the fear of backlash from anyone . However freedom of speech is not absolute and has limitations . Usually people think that for a democratic government ,the freedom of speech is necessary . Countries that do not allows the freedom of expression to their people , generally faces problems in solving their issues .This freedom supports to articulate the matters of any individual or either a community without fear VOLTAIRES FAMOUS QUOTE In The Friends of Voltaire, Hall wrote the phrase: " I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it " as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs. This quotation – which is sometimes misattributed to Voltaire himself – is often cited to desc...